Top reasons to have your carpet professionally cleaned

Top reasons to have your carpet professionally cleaned

Carpets are a popular choice in homes and offices because they are comfortable, insulating, and look good. To maintain its appearance and extend its lifespan, it is important that you have your carpet professionally cleaned, as well as the usual vacuuming and spot cleaning.

It is recommended that carpets are professionally cleaned at least twice per year. In this article, we explore the many different benefits of having your carpet professionally cleaned and educate you on why it is important to do so regularly.


Carpets trap dust, pollutants, bacteria, and allergens, which can build up in your carpet and be a serious issue for people suffering from asthma or allergies. They can also cause health problems such as colds and breathing problems, particularly in children and the elderly.

Although vacuuming can help, it will not completely extract contaminants so they will build up over time. Regular professional carpet cleaning is the most effective method for sanitising carpets and removing and killing potentially harmful contaminants, thus reducing the risk of health problems.


As well as posing a health risk, clogged-up dirt, dust, and debris in your carpet can also compromise airflow and indoor air quality. If not professionally cleaned, your carpets will become clogged and may cause rooms to become stuffy and unpleasant.


Professional carpet cleaning will revive your carpets, helping them to look and feel their best. Carpets are prone to becoming worn, matted, discoloured, and stained over time. As well as restoring carpets to their original colour, cleaning can also improve their condition, so they feel and look as good as new.

Some stains are tough to remove with standard cleaning products and methods, particularly those caused by pets, coffee, ink, or wine. A great advantage of having your carpet cleaned by a professional is that they have the equipment and expertise to enable them to remove stubborn stains.

On top of looking great itself, a clean carpet can have a positive impact on the overall cleanliness and feel of a room. When a carpet is professionally cleaned, the room as a whole is likely to look, feel, and smell fresher.


Having your carpet professionally cleaned will not only improve its appearance but will also prolong the life of your carpet. One of the major benefits of regular professional cleaning is that it can increase a carpet’s lifespan considerably.


Some carpet warranty policies require maintenance actions such as professional cleaning in order for the warranty to be valid. Plus, proper maintenance and professional cleaning of your carpet may prevent you from ever needing to use your warranty.

These are just some of the reasons why you should have your carpet professionally cleaned, and it is clear that there are many benefits. Being proactive and hiring a professional to clean your carpets regularly will ensure that you will continue to reap the benefits for years to come, making it cost-effective in the long term.

With over 50 years of experience, Lincolnshire Flooring is an established and trusted flooring supplier and installer. If you feel your carpet has reached the end of its life and a professional clean can't revive it, please get in touch with our team today on 01522 524374 or explore our website to learn more about our carpet services.

  • 28 Jul 2023