Laminate flooring and water damage – what to do!
Here at Lincolnshire Flooring we proudly offer laminate flooring to our customers as one of the very best options for many of the rooms in the home. If you’re looking for flooring that looks and acts like wood but is more resistance to scratches and requires less maintenance than wood flooring, then laminate is a great option for you.
Laminate flooring is quite versatile and often is chosen for bathrooms and kitchens – particularly open plan kitchen areas where a modern but rustic feel is required. However, in bathrooms and kitchens there is always the potential for spillage, and water is laminate’s Achilles Heel.
Whether it’s a glass of red wine, a pot of coffee or a bucket of water, even small spills of water can cause damage if they aren’t dealt with appropriately. In practice, what we mean is that as soon as any liquid is spilled on your floor, it needs to be cleaned up. Surface spills and drips aren’t likely to ruin your entire flooring but if it seeps into the planks then it can cause bad damage.
Of course, small drips aren’t likely to be the end of the world for your flooring and it’s the big water leaks that we need to be wary of with laminate flooring. For instance, if you have a washing machine that regularly springs a leak, or a dodgy fridge freezer then you should consider purchasing a new one, moving it out of the same room as your laminate, or purchasing a different type of flooring that offers better water resistance.
If disaster strikes and flooding does occur in the room where you have laminate flooring, then don’t panic but do act quickly. The first thing to do is to find out where the leak is coming from and shut it off – usually by turning off the water. Next, you’ll need to begin mopping up.
If the water was left long enough it may have seeped into the planks which with time will cause warping and make your floor become uneven. Laminate typically has MDF on the back which when damaged by water can turn into a cotton wool like substance.
You may be able to replace some planks, but it is important to seek help from a professional to determine just how much of your flooring needs to be replaced.
Final thoughts
It’s important to remember that while water can cause serious damage to laminate flooring, it shouldn’t put you off installing it in your kitchen. Most types of flooring will struggle to hold up under the strain of a big leak and many will struggle far worse than laminate flooring. Laminate is hard-wearing, easy to clean, looks good and is affordable.
With so many flooring options – laminate, wood, LVT, and more – choosing the best for your home can be tricky. Check out our flooring guide and other articles, written by our experienced team, to help make your decision a little easier. Still unsure? Give us a call on 01522 524374 or visit our flooring showroom in Lincoln today.